Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine approach for encouraging natural healing and balancing the flow of energy of the body – called ‘qi’ to reduce or relieve pain and improve the function of affected areas of the body. It is practiced by inserting fine needles through a person’s skin at specific points of the body called acu-points. So, you may not feel pain or only mild pain. It has been used safely and effectively for thousands of years for treating various diseases.
There are additional methods of treatment, within the scope of acupuncture and “Traditional Chinese Medicine” that may be used in addition to, instead, or in combination with needles. The scope includes?
There are additional methods of treatment, within the scope of acupuncture and “Traditional Chinese Medicine” that may be used in addition to, instead, or in combination with needles. The scope includes?
First, the patient’s condition is assessed by the collection of data by interviewing, observation, palpation, pulse taking, tongue observation methods. Then the patient shall lie down on a padded table for the treatment. For the insertion of the needles, it shall be inserted through the skin in various depths, depending on the strategic points. These needles are very thin so the patient may feel a little pain and some mild discomfort. Once it reaches the correct path, the patient might feel some mild aching, heavy, or distention sensation. It is called “De Qi” sensation which is a good sign for treatment. The acupuncturist may swirl the needles after placement or apply heat or electrical pulses. The needles will remain in place for around 25 minutes or longer.
One may experience soreness, minor bleeding or bruising on the parts where the needles were inserted and other modalities applied. We use single-use, disposable needles in our practice so rest assured, risk of infection is down to the lowest minimal if none at all.
There are cases where nausea or drowsiness can occur; this is a good sign of the effects of the procedure. However, if symptoms worsen or continue after 2 days, please notify your acupuncturist. With this, we also do not advise driving after a procedure if you are affected.
We do not prefer conducting the procedure with pregnant women as there are certain acupuncture points that may induce labor which may result in premature delivery or miscarriage. Please notify us if you are pregnant before undergoing the procedure.
If you have a bleeding disorder or taking some blood thinners, you might have chances of bleeding or bruising. Please check with us and your physician before undergoing acupuncture.
If one has a pacemaker, please notify us. Acupuncture that involves applying mild electrical pulses may not be a suitable method as it may interfere with the pacemaker’s operation.
Acupuncture has been used effectively for thousands of years for a variety of diseases. This has also been used for relieving all kinds of pains, headaches, sleep disorders and stress. It may improve your immune system, relief from allergy, among others. However, we cannot provide a guarantee for the outcome of any course of the treatment. For most serious or chronic ailments, more than one treatment, along with some lifestyle and dietary changes, may be necessary for noticeable changes to take place.