July 9, 2020 by spencerjean_do
We, as healthcare professionals, we strive to provide a safe environment for our patients.
Our team has done an amazing job thus far in following the to date updating policies and procedures which are provided to us by our respective colleges, associations, societies, our local health unit and the Provincial Ministry of Health.
- As of JULY 7, 2020, all patients MUST be wearing a mask when entering the clinic unless you fall under the exemptions categories listed by the regional health unit.
- We have moved chairs and placed lines outside of our clinic to allow for physical distancing when the waiting room chairs are in use. If you see that there are no chairs available, please wait outside the office door in the respective line.
- More Plexiglass barriers are being installed on Friday July 10, 2020 in addition to the ones already installed at reception.
- Our practitioners are offering special appointment times for our HIGH RISK patients.
- Our colleges have indicated that reception and office staff may not have to wear masks while behind a protective barrier such as Plexiglass. Whenever our staff is not behind the barrier or are unable to social distance by 2m or 6ft, our staff will be wearing masks.
We will continue to update procedures and protocols as they are indicated to us and we will inform our patients as we receive updates.
We are confident in our team’s efforts to keep you safe and your mind at ease while providing the best quality healthcare that our patients are accustom.